The Woman Men Adore

and Never Want To Leave

Featuring Bob Grant, P.L.C.

Melt His Heart

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The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave

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Woman Men Adore Swipe

Email 1

Subject options:
What Men REALLY Want
Are you making these mistakes with your man?

Hey (name),

I wanted to ask...

Does your man's behavior totally confuse you?

Does he say one thing and do another?


Saying he's going to call...but then????

Crazy huh?

If you have a few minutes, I'd like to introduce
you to Bob.

Meet Bob Here! <---- (affiliate Link)

Bob explains a lot of men's very weird behavior.

And he reveals how you can use all of this behavior
to your advantage.

Find Out How To Understand Your Man Here <--- (affiliate Link)

and I love the part where he talks about "The #1
Man Repellant In Existence."


(Your Name)


Email 2:

Long Swipe Copy

Subject options:

His Deepest Desire In A Woman

Do you know what YOUR man is thinking??

Are You What He's Looking For?


Hey (persons name),

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could know
what men really desire in a woman?

This is pretty darn close...

(Your Affiliate Link here)

and then?

What if?

You could plant yourself inside his head, have him do what
YOU want him to do and have him think it was his idea?'s easier than you may think...


Men actually WANT you to know these secrets.

(Your Affiliate Link)

and if that's not enough for you?

You'll even discover why men don't listen AND a simple
technique you can use TODAY that will have him nearly
hanging on your every word.

(Your Affiliate Link)


(Your name)

PS I've gotten a lot of emails asking if this is real..

And I TOTALLY understand...

I had some doubts too, then I started reading through
some of the success stories Bob has had with
thousands of women who've used his program..

Here's several of the amazing success stories

Dear Bob Grant,
Thank you for "The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want to Leave.".
I enjoyed reading it and have tried one of your suggestions and it worked :),so I trust all the others and I' m exited about their effects,.so thank you very much indeed!

Best wishes,


I love "The Women Men Adore". I think the advice is right on
and have found it very helpful. I love Bob Grant!


Bob, your book on The Women Men Adore is fantastic. I read it in one weekend, underlined tons of pointers, and will be referring to it regularly. I just want to thank you for sharing the information in a format that reaches anyone who wants it.

All the best,


I am highly impressed with what I have read so far.
The main book is superb and one of the most impressive
things about them all is the clarity, directness and
simplicity with which they are written and the concepts
conveyed. These are a joy to behold and to read. An
excellent investment! Thankyou again. Compliments to
Bob Grant please.



I have read your e-book on The Women Men Adore. Loved it.
I have had so much more attention in the last three months
then I have my entire life. Funny… now I get the phone
calls and texts and I am ignoring them. I’m really loving
my life for the first time in years. I love it!



Plain and simple, this stuff WORKS...

Is it "magic?"

No, but it's pretty close.

And if you work the program the way Bob explains it
(the way THOUSANDS of women just like you have . . .
married women . . . divorced women . . .
single women . . .)

You'll MELT him . . .

You'll get him to OPEN up...


You'll start to notice men looking at you differently...

Don't wait any longer,

Go to (Affiliate Link)


Email 3:

Subject options:

The Women Men Adore (And Never Want To Leave)
What Men Can't Resist

Hey, it's (your name). . .

If you want to be the kind of
woman he simply can't resist (and
would never even consider leaving)
I recommend you go check out this page
now . . .

(affiliate link)

Here's what this is all about . . .

Have you ever wondered why some
women manage to keep their men
faithful, loyal, loving, romantic
and just plain crazy about them . . .

While so many others don't?

You're certainly not alone.

The fact is (and my email inbox
can attest to this) that most
women live in a state
of constant anxiety . . .

Wondering if he REALLY loves you . . .

If he's looking at or thinking about other women . . .

If he's cheating.

But there is a way that you can get
your man basically ADDICTED to you . . .

Bob Grant has put together
a special program that teaches you
how to become the woman of his dreams . . .

(Even if he barely pays attention to you now.)

I've reviewed the doctor's program
and, frankly, it's excellent.

I wouldn't recommend it to you
if it wasn't.

Go check out the link below
and discover for yourself how
easy it is to heal your relationship
and have the man of your dreams.

(affiliate link)


(Your Name Here)

P.S. I really can't recommend
Bob's material enough.

(Affiliate link here)


Email 4:

Subject options:

Mesmerize him
Make Him Notice You

Hey, it's (your name). . .

If you want to feel like you have "magical powers"
to "bewitch" any man you want and have him
falling head over heels in love with you (even
if he totally ignores you now) go read what
Bob Grant has to say on this page . . .

(Your affiliate link here)

Bob has helped thousands of women who have..

been lied to by men.

felt like giving up on love.

wondered if they were ever going to have the kind
of relationship with a man they had always dreamed

One of his most powerful secrets he teaches women is
how to "put your heart first."

It may sound simple, but the way he explains it is
different from anything I've ever heard.

Just that insight alone can change everything
in how men notice you.

(Your Affiliate Link Here)

Amazing stuff.


(Your Name)

P.S. What I love about Bob's stuff is it works amazingly
well even if you're not a "supermodel" and don't have as much
confidence in your looks as you'd like.

(Your Affiliate Link Here)



Follow Up Email if you have a preview chapter (for a few days later)

Subject options:



The other day I invited you to...

Meet Bob Here! <--- (Affiliate Link)

and I saw that you did 'meet Bob'


You may have missed getting your free chapter?

I understand...the page was kind of long and it
was EASY to miss.

So...right to this note...

I am attaching the first chapter of...

The Woman Men Adore and Never Want To Leave


We're being stinkers because once
you've read the first chapter...we think you'll
want the rest:-)

Download Yours Here <---- (insert link to your preview chapter Here)

I'm excited for you to have this because
Bob maps out... how men think!

...and...When you understand their thinking

You'll understand your man's very weird behavior. might already suspect...

What a guy REALLY wants...and what he
says...are two different things!

Bob will show you how you can use that nugget
of information to your advantage.

Find Out How To Understand Your Man Here


(Your Name)