Jan 17 Embracing Your Emotions begins...

Remove What's Blocking You From Love

Are you sick of having to keep your emotions in check?

Did you know thathow you treat your Emotions is how you will treat the man you love?

I'll show you how to listen to your Emotions AND not feel out of control!

The best part - MEN LOVE IT!

What happens in your Emotions Journey?

In 3 months you will accomplish what would normally takes 1 year of therapy.


Here's your plan...

What have other women experienced that recently took this class?

Kristin was hesitant about joining considering the investment. She worried, "What if it doesn't work?"


Join us so your girlfriends can hear your own story.

Cost: $4200

Payment option: $600 today and 6 more monthly payments


Pay In Full Discount - $3800